HACKER STUDIO at the Intersection of
AI & Imagination

📍 Based in Waterloo, Ontario

Accelerating the growth of NEW talent & companies.

Our community was born for creators who want to reshape the world. Often, they're early-stage AI builders and hustlers that are seen as outsiders.

They want to create for impact.

Together, we will shake sh*t up.

Our collective is backed by an extensive network of people who have launched products that have left a mark. There's so much more to build.

Join us.

Featured Project

Featured Project

If you’re interested in building a multimodal AI ‘Main Character’ that helps founders solve a significant problem… LET US KNOW.

Some of our values.

work with people you love, and people that love you

do what interests you, not what impresses others

setbacks are fuel, so put your foot on that *%#@ing gas

kill your ego, or your ego kills you

move like the underdog, the king is usually drunk

let them talk and overlook you- just don't believe it

creation is our biggest gift, do it

some numbers tell the truth, some numbers cloud your judgement

when it's game time, it's always game 7

Our Founder

Nick Lebesis
Founder & Venture Builder
